Scholarship Fund Events:
- 2nd Dinner Show
- 1st Dinner Show
- Poker Tournament
2nd Dinner Show in benefit of John-Paul Rodrigues Scholarship Fund Wednesday, June 8, 2011 invites will come soon in the mail For reservations contact Joe Rodrigues
1st Dinner Show at in benefit of John-Paul Rodrigues Scholarship Fund Wednesday, April 8, 2009 For reservations contact Joe Rodrigues
4Th Annual John-Paul Rodrigues Poker Tournament Fundraiser
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Ossining Portuguese Club
16 Waller Avenue
Ossining, NY 10562
Check in: 4:00 pm
Games begin at 5:00 pm sharp!
Buy-in: $100
Pot: 75%
Lupus/JPR Fund Scholarship: 25%
Free Food
50/50 Raffles